Look to the Hills!

We’ve been covering some of the Psalms of Ascent in our Sunday School class. The Psalms of Ascent are Ps 120-134. Though we’re not told what this tiny subscript under each heading of these psalms means, it is generally understood that these are psalms sung as travelers made their way up to Jerusalem.

One of the commonalities is the theme of trust in the Lord. I’ve written a lot about trust and that subject has been on my mind lately. In his book, Longing for HOME: A Journey through the Psalms of Ascent, J. Stephen Yuille says, “to trust in God is to rest in who he is,” (pg 66). I believe that’s a fitting bottom line.

Our trust in Him doesn’t depend on our ability to hold on. If it did, we would fail every time. We trust imperfectly. Yet we are to continue striving for complete trust in Him. Spurgeon wrote that the sovereignty of God is the pillow on which we rest our heads. The better we comprehend His character and attributes, the more fully we can rest in who He is.

Instead of our faith and security depending on our tentative hold on our Savior, we can “rest” knowing that He holds us instead. Psalm 63:8 says, “My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.” Therefore, the reason we can rest in our security in Him, no matter what our earthly circumstances may be, is because His righteous right hand holds onto us!! That grip will never falter.

Let me close by quoting my favorite of these Psalms of Ascents. Psalm 121:

“I lift up my eyes to the hills.

From where does my help come?

My help comes from the LORD,

Who made heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot be moved;

He who keeps you will not slumber.

Behold, he who keeps Israel

Will neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD is your keeper;

The LORD is your shade on your right hand.

The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.

The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.

The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in

from this time forth and forevermore.”


So, regarding my own heart, I cry out, “Lord, equip me with the kind of faith and belief and trust in You which will allow me to rest in Your perfect sovereignty. When my head hits the pillow at night, let me close my eyes in the peace that comes from loving You.”

Posted by Deborah Howard

1 comment

Amen! Good stuff Deborah.

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